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Interview: The Parallel Lines, Band

Back in August when the Parallel Lines and Tom Clinton filmed their music video for their song Dream Girl I filmed some BTS for them for fun. Later on when I was taking a look at the footage, I realized that it could become something more. I reached out to "the Lines" and asked them if I could do an interview with them to bring together this footage that I captured.

I've been friends with these guys for years now and it's always so fun talking with them. We shot the interview in the parking lot of Mother Pug's Saloon after they played a show with The Gov and a few other bands. It was pretty funny because it was sort of impromptu and we didn't have any lights and we couldn't see them since it was night. We came up with the idea to use Tom's car headlights to shoot, and then eventually his break lights since the parking lot started to get a little bit of traffic.

In the interview Andy, Aaron, Matt, and Angel talked a little bit about what it took to create their music video for their song Dream Girl and how they love playing shows.

Here's the Interview and BTS! I hope you enjoy it and learn a little bit more about this Staten Island Local band!


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