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Staten Island Artist List

Writer's picture: Em CaseyEm Casey

Here's a list of all the Staten Island musicians, bands, artists and their contact info! I made this for myself so I can remember everyone & play their music on the show,

but also so anyone who's interested can check them out!

If you're an artist that would like to be added to the list or our Staten Island Locals Spotify Playlist DM us on Instagram @StatenIslandLocals !!!


Caroline Meade - IG: @when_you_weara_striped_sweater - spotify

brkn<3s - IG: @brknheartsofficial - spotify

Eterna - IG: @eternaaaa - spotify

Gamma Ghouls - IG: @gammaghoulsny - spotify

Goon Dads - IG: @goondads - spotify

Grandma Drinks - IG: @grandmadrinksofficial

High Risk Maneuver - IG: @high-riskmaneuver - bandcamp

Jacuzzi Fire - IG: @jacuzzifire - spotify

Jigsaw Youth - IG: @jigsawyouthband - spotify -

King Like Mom - IG: @kinglikemom

Modern-day Machines - IG: @moderndaymachines - spotify

Mind Your Own - IG: @mindyourown_nyband - spotify

Local Fish - IG: @localfishoffishal - spotify

No Chances - IG: @nochancesband

On Pink - IG: @onpinkstagram - spotify

Pastel - IG: @pastelbandnyc - spotify

Rival Threat - IG: @rivalthreatband - spotify

Scum Shots - IG: @scum_shots - spotify

Silkstone - IG: @silk.stonenyc - spotify

Specialists - IG: - spotify

SuperFuture - IG: @superfuturenyc - spotify

The Gov - IG: @t.gov_ny - bandcamp

The Jazztronauts - IG: @thejazztronauts - spotify

The Parallel Lines - IG: @linestheparallel - spotify

The Uncertain - IG: @theuncrtn - spotify

Vega Maestro - IG: @vegamaestro - spotify

Victoria Rymer - IG: @victoriarymer - spotify

Willowbrook - IG: @willowbrook.ny - spotify


Castleton Corners Pub (CCP) - 1815 Victory Blvd - IG: @castletoncornerspub

Flagship Brewery - 40 Minthorne St - IG: @flagshipbrewery

Juicy Lucy Barbecue - 809 Father Capodanno Blvd - IG: @juicylucybbq

Mother Pug's Saloon - 1371 Forest Ave - IG: @motherpugs

Richmond Tattoo - 388 Van Duzer St - IG: @richmondtattoo_nyc

The Hop Shoppe - 372 Van Duzer St - IG: @thehopshoppe

Visual Artists:

Andrew Introna - Illustrator - IG: @andy.introna -

Ben Satt - Cartoonist - IG: @stuffbendrew -

Emily Casey - Comic Artist - IG: @ihavebonesart -


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